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Enjoying red wine on your couch is one of the best and coziest places to enjoy your wine. Spilling wine on your couch is surprisingly easy to do and one that many wine lovers can relate. Whether you’re drinking wine with friends and get distracted and spill, or your favorite tv show makes you laugh too hard, wine spills on couches happen.

Accidentally spilling wine is frustrating for wine lovers on two fronts; first, the stains it leaves. Second, less wine to enjoy. Unfortunately, most couches can not be thrown into the washer in order to remove the red wine stains. Fortunately, Wine Stain Off can help you remove those red wine stains from your couch.

Wine Stain Off is simple to use to help you remove the red wine stains. There will be no need to stop what you’re doing to look for baking soda or vinegar to scrub the stain and hope that it goes away. You also won’t need to get a damp cloth and continually rinse and pat the stain over and over again. There won’t be a need to buy extra pillows to hide the stain. The steps below are also much easier to follow than trying to figure out how to put your couch into the washing machine.

Step 1- Stay calm knowing that Wine Stain Off will remove those wine stains from your couch.

Step 2- Spray Wine Stain Off on the red wine stain, whether it’s a fresh stain or an old stain. Make sure that the stain is saturated with Wine Stain Off.

Step 3- Let Wine Stain Off work it’s magic. All you have to do is walk away and let the stain go away.

Step 4- If the stain persists, spray Wine Stain Off on the stain again.

Visit  to remove those red wine stains from your couch today!